Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Wish .... wots the purpose????

Seher: I wish for a million dollars to be mine now
Smaysha: Wow! But what will you do with them..
Seher: nothing…
Smaysha: errrr nothing, how is that possible??
Seher: as in
Smaysha: as in, how can there be a wish without a purpose …
Seher: ofcourse there can be, y shud a wish be for some purpose, I wish for a million dollars just like that …
Smaysha: I don’t think that makes sense …

……………. Do u?


Blogger Guru said...

UM.......nice thought... i would say...there is nothing without a purpose.. probably the seher doesnt know the purpose...u can think from your want/need perspective... it should be either one of them

12:49 PM  
Blogger Rafiki said...

Well u can surely have a desire which has no purpose.

12:21 AM  
Blogger Chitra said...

Desire need not always be tagged to a purpose. I can desire for the sky to be mine and yet not know why I would want it.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Vinitha said...

so a wish then needs to be classified into a need and a desire ... hmmm ...

if its a desire, it need not have a purpose ..
but if a wish is a need it should have a purpose ..

wot say :)

8:13 PM  
Blogger Chitra said...

Righto !

5:35 PM  

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