Saturday, March 01, 2008

said a leapling today...

its a special day
said a leapling today
i get the presents and cake
on a day that is not fake

i don't like this hide n seek
this day takes 4 yrs to peak
the excitement hidden for long within
guess makes it worth from begin

the sun and earth play this game
this unique birthday has its fame
i owe one to the Gregorian mate
who has given me this long wait


Blogger srikanth said...

hey..haven't read this page for a long time now.
Thinking about it, aint it sad for those who were born on 29th Feb. And whats leapling mean?

7:45 PM  
Blogger Vinitha said...

just opened my own blog after a long time today :)

Someone born on the 29th of Feb is called a leapling.

hmm i dont think its sad, i dont see y it makes a diff..

4:32 PM  
Blogger srikanth said...

for poor me, i get one day in a year to be a centre of attention from a few people. The other 364 days show me how important that is for me. hehe. Making it one day in 4 years is heartbreaking

3:29 PM  

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