Friday, March 02, 2007

Differently the 2nd time...

Tough day!
Absolutely no idea what went wrong. But how can that be, there needs to be a way to figure out the “instigator” or lets call it the first blow ….. hmmm …

Life is like a chain reaction, so definitely this characteristic would drill down to each day, considering our life is a collection of each day we manage to survive (wonder y I am stating the obvious in here, but what the heck, like it matters …)

Hot lemon tea (with xtraaaaa lemon as my love likes to call it), a sole seat with dim light above, 8 pm, life takes a different meaning this instant. More like the 2 min maggi noodles. Now you are hungry and the next instant (read 2 mins) u have food in front of you. (Readers with a weird expression on their face now, wondering what the hell is maggi doing in here, relax! I have no idea myself, I just let my mind wonder, so get the smile or the blank face back and ignore the above :) )

A flashback, replay the days events, see them unwind, and …………..

…. 10 mins later…

Freak! Now I know what went wrong. Wow!! This is a figure of speech, I forgot the name, but the one where we use a couple of words consecutively starting with the same letter … :) looks like the rewind button went a little too far (or is it a little too behind), to my school days.

Damn! I love this human psychological capability to see things differently the 2nd time, or maybe its different every next time!!

Works for me!


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