Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Life is all about choices!

Every chocolate packet has a small slip inside that could read;
- Another chocolate free
- Better luck next time
- 5rs off on the next buy
- A trip for 2 to Zurich

At a shop:
Seher: Give me a chocolate bar
Shopkeeper: I only have two left
He hands him a red one and a black one.

Seher picks the black one, walks a little further, opens the packet
Slip reads “Oops! Better luck next time :(”

At a same shop 5 mins later:
Smaysha: Give me a chocolate bar
Shopkeeper: I have only one left
He hands her the red one
Smaysha: no issues, red is my favorite, thanks for saving this one

Smaysha opens the red one, munches the chocolate, reads the slip
“Congratulations you win a trip for 2 to Zurich :)”

Life is all about choices, whether you know it or not!!


Blogger Rafiki said...

what a choice???:)

5:30 PM  

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