Thursday, January 22, 2009


When two eyes met
a relation for life was set
It wasn’t given a name
they preferred to play a game

Hands longed for a gentle touch
but mouth didn’t say much
Heart craved for some more
but feelings were kept ashore

Fear for a rejected future
didn’t let the love nurture
Buried inside so deep down
it ached, burned, hurt & drown

For long they played the game
yet didn’t give it a name
Then destiny swung the ultimate wand
said no winner will ever be found


Blogger srikanth said...

wow!! a strong one, simply usual.
Can you explain the last two lines?

2:47 AM  
Blogger Vinitha said...

Hey Sri.. Thanks!
The two lines refer to:

"Due to hesitation, fear, shyness and lack of self-confidence within, the 2 didn’t speak to each other about their true feelings. After years due to the socio conditions/personal situation (or any other reason) it became too late to say anything. The feelings were left hidden inside forever and a relation together was never pursued."

2:54 PM  
Blogger srikanth said...

Its like fuel which never got to serve a fire.
What's glory to a fuel if not to serve a fire?


4:22 AM  
Blogger Vinitha said...

true.. very true..

u have put the jist aptly in those 2 lines above..

12:28 PM  
Blogger srikanth said...

Unrelated to this post: Awaiting your next here.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Vinitha said...

here it goes... :)

2:29 PM  

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