Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And then it happened...

The platform was quite, very quite. It was 6:00am on a Saturday morning; the bustle was just going to begin.

Seher looks at Smaysha with eyes saying - “don’t go”. Smaysha eyes promise to be back in few days. He presses her hand, she turns to him and he slowly gets down on his knees. He takes the ring out of his pocket and smiles. She gives him the most loving look and nods. He slowly slides the ring on her fingers, without a word spoken a new relation is born.

Sandhya waiting with her parents besides. She looks at Sagar coming from the nearby shop and smiles. He is carrying all possible food and fruit items available there and getting it for her. She is leaving for her delivery, in 2 months they will be blessed with a baby that will further strengthen their bond of love.

Smurti is the happiest person around. She has finally got the job she has been trying for a year. Her dream of being a fashion designer is finally going to materialise. The dream that she nurtured since she first saw the posters of beautiful actresses pasted all around her town. All she could think was how she could make them look even better.

Samay is standing with his heart filled with hope. Back home he has his wife and 5 kids waiting. Waiting for him to go to city, earn some money and come back with some food. All they have had in the last 4 days is some bread and water. He has not sold any dolls last week; he hopes to sell some at least few of them today.

Its 6:30 the bus starts to depart. Goodbye, good luck, see you soon, take care, love you, will miss you, hugs, kisses, blessings - are the few exchanges. Everyone gets settled in the bus, and it starts a journey filled with emotions. It goes few kilometres ahead and then it happened, a BLAST. None survived and nothing was ever the same again.

A relationship killed before it could mature. A life killed before it could be born. A dream killed before it could be lived. The sole bread earner killed before he could feed his family.

Someone will never know how it feels being married, someone will never know how it feels to hold a child’s hand, someone will never know how it feels to dream, someone will never know how it feels to have a good meal.

No religion, no god, no faith, no belief can reason killing innocent lives and shattering thousands of families. These marks and dents in people’s lives can never be forgotten and forgiven.

Monday, September 08, 2008

bad and foul

Life is not about the breaks we take, its about identifying the things/people that break our life and cursing it/them so bad and foul that we need a mouthwash after to feel clean

Monday, September 01, 2008

Gay -- happy or other type

Proxy was gay. Not the happy type, but the other type. He was not gay because he loved men, but because he thought less of women in general. He couldn’t imagine loving someone of the lesser kind. Yes lets accept it, even in this ultra modern fast paced ever-growing world MCP’s do exist. These pigs are everywhere and it’s difficult to eradicate them.

On one lovely morning, Proxy was on his way to work on the bike and he noticed someone with a similar bike riding besides in the same speed as him. A smile lit on his face, he saw a guy with the latest model bike, clad in a black leather bike suit and black helmet. The sexy figure seemed to kind of challenge him, a bike race had begun and the other rider proved to proxy (who thought he was the fastest in the world) that he was a good match. The speed, the adventure, the match, aroused feelings inside proxy that he never knew existed. He was tingling inside in all possible places. He was on a high he had never achieved before even with drugs.

The ride was coming to an end; he noticed that the guy was going to a coffee place; he turned the same way and parked first. The guy parked besides and proxy sheepishly moved towards. The guy didn’t notice proxy standing at the foot of his bike, he swung his right feet around to get down from the bike and in that motion the pointed 2-inch heel hit proxy on his crotch. Suddenly the tingling feeling changed to intense pain. Proxy bent, yelled in pain, clutched his groin and then looked up to see the other guy open his helmet. Beautiful blonde hair fell on the shoulders, stunning blue eyes were looking at him and the lustrous red lips were asking him “I didn’t notice you standing there, are you ok?”

Proxy’s piggy mind could never ever accept that the sexy, speedy biker was actually a girl. He could not imagine what hurt him more, his realisation or the pain he was clutching on. Well one thing is for sure, at that moment Proxy was not gay. No not the other type, but the happy type.