Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh son, you are my SUN!

I walked in darkness, on the path of life
With little perception, alongside my wife
Some sense of joy, but an objective missing
What the future beholds, I kept guessing

The day I took my first leap, into fatherhood
All questions answered, I now understood
With essence so strong, light so bright
My life was you, only that was right

Oh son, you are my SUN

Years went by, I toiled and you grew
I burned sweat and blood, got rest a few
Your smile your needs, my priority unchanged
With times today, our strengths have exchanged

I look at you today, my purpose seems fulfilled
You are independent settled, with strong build
I am weak and old, but I have your constant support
When death comes knocking, I’ll embrace without retort

Oh son, you are my SUN


Blogger srikanth said...

From my observations of "a father and a son", this is so apt. Roles change, the father draws courage/confidence from a son's ways.

Also, what legendary affection for the offspring...inspite of some many misgivings by the latter.

Accurate and so nicely written.

4:52 PM  
Blogger JT said...

Is this some kind of an indication??? Sachi Sachi bole ;-)

5:21 AM  
Blogger skullz said...

very nice .. !! happy tht it ends on a positive note :)

1:25 PM  

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