Friday, April 17, 2009

Realize the Competition..

I look into the mirror
And see a very diff face
I step back in terror
His reflex matches my pace

With caution in my winds
I take on the role of a sleuth
His stare to match mine brings
Me face to face with bitter truth

On closer look I realise that the face is actually not very different to mine. It’s a darker side of me, more like a devil. Filled with disgusting wicked thoughts and destruction being the prima motive.

The next day I wake up to see
A face that is exactly like me
No portrayal of a horrendous side
Me with the socio rules to abide

But once again sometime next week
The dark face gave me a sudden freak
Took me a while to realize the competition
My two faces played as an obsession

Winner adorned my facade that day
Shaped the deeds of my life in a way
Sometime I was the happy content me
During rest it was the devil ghastly thee