Sunday, November 14, 2010

Night & Day

In the depth of darkness when silence comes alive
From the corner of my brain, down trickles a vibe
The tangled thoughts trying hard to break free
Tasks and Priorities busy on a sequencing spree

Does the night fall to help us appreciate the day more
Does the day end to help us realize what it's for

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh son, you are my SUN!

I walked in darkness, on the path of life
With little perception, alongside my wife
Some sense of joy, but an objective missing
What the future beholds, I kept guessing

The day I took my first leap, into fatherhood
All questions answered, I now understood
With essence so strong, light so bright
My life was you, only that was right

Oh son, you are my SUN

Years went by, I toiled and you grew
I burned sweat and blood, got rest a few
Your smile your needs, my priority unchanged
With times today, our strengths have exchanged

I look at you today, my purpose seems fulfilled
You are independent settled, with strong build
I am weak and old, but I have your constant support
When death comes knocking, I’ll embrace without retort

Oh son, you are my SUN

Saturday, November 28, 2009

After-Effects of a Birthday!!

What exactly is the concept behind the basic expectations on the after-effects of a birthday.

1. You are a year older so act mature
2. The stupid jokes have to stop now
3. Its time to manage the bank balance more efficiently
4. Make sure you dont looke hyper excited about the presents
5. The toy train and pink barbie on the list get changed to diamond rings and massage chairs
6. Go dye shopping to hide the latest addition of white hair on the new haircut
7. The floral shirt and purple glasses are not cool anymore
8. Party planners get replaced with financial planners

Hmmmm on second thoughts maybe the making of lists and the blah blah blah have to stop as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Happy Birthday Sri!!!!

Its the poet's birthday!!!!!!

The friends of a poet
Get gifted the best sonnet
But when the situation gets reversed
Its impossible to find something well deserved
Even though this isnt the best attempt
The wishes truly are very heartfelt

May you have the best birthday of all your lives
May ur cauldron never run out of lines!
May you have all that you wish and much more
May the bums not make you too sore!

Happy Birthday Sri!!!!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

A calculated effort

Wished to write a song
but something went horribly wrong
An attempt to brew a ballad
felt like wrong dressing on salad

Isn’t this a life’s big irony
a calculated effort turns phony
When the soul is relaxed and at ease
verses pour from within like a breeze

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Loss, Late and 2nd chance

seher: It hurts
smaysha: But why
seher: Its the sense of loss
smaysha: But its not like u ever "had" me. How can u feel the loss of something u never had?
seher: Its the loss of something that I could have had
smaysha: I do wish you had had..
seher: If only I realised it earlier
smaysha: guess.... sometimes late is .. a little too late
seher: Yeah, there are no second chances in life
smaysha: Yap there never are.. not just here.. but anywhere

Friday, April 17, 2009

Realize the Competition..

I look into the mirror
And see a very diff face
I step back in terror
His reflex matches my pace

With caution in my winds
I take on the role of a sleuth
His stare to match mine brings
Me face to face with bitter truth

On closer look I realise that the face is actually not very different to mine. It’s a darker side of me, more like a devil. Filled with disgusting wicked thoughts and destruction being the prima motive.

The next day I wake up to see
A face that is exactly like me
No portrayal of a horrendous side
Me with the socio rules to abide

But once again sometime next week
The dark face gave me a sudden freak
Took me a while to realize the competition
My two faces played as an obsession

Winner adorned my facade that day
Shaped the deeds of my life in a way
Sometime I was the happy content me
During rest it was the devil ghastly thee