Saturday, December 23, 2006


Has this ever happened to u guys out there … Has one word managed to define your life…

For now one word defines my life, the worst part is that its called “WAIT”
1) I wait for my bus in the morning
2) I wait for my team to finish their work, so that I can update the status
3) I wait for resolutions to the issues
4) I wait for lunch breaks
5) I wait for coffee breaks
6) I wait for team meetings to get over
7) I wait for an innovative idea to strike me
8) I wait for weekends
After spending this worst week of my life, waiting and waiting and waiting for just anything and everything I hope I have a better weekend!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Caught in between ...

Have u ever been caught in between two completey different thing .... say ..

1) you wanna laugh and cry at the same time .....

or things on the same line ...