Monday, May 21, 2007


She opened her eyes
For the first time to see
I couldn’t close my eyes
You were a sight to see

She curled her lips
For the first time to smile
I couldn’t hide my joy
You were an angel in disguise

She opened her mouth
For the first time to speak
I couldn’t keep quite
You were talking to me

She stretched her hands
For the first time to feel
I couldn’t keep away
You were so gentle in touch

Your every first time my child
Will remain with me for lifetime

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Types of Desktop Backgrounds!

Types of Desktop Backgrounds:
1. None – I am too busy and I don’t care. There are more important things in life.
2. Windows Default – too much pain to select something else from the drives
3. Solo snap of self – obsessed with self proclaimed beauty. The time spent in front of the mirror in the morning is not enough to appreciate the sexy figure
4. Family snap – staying away, miss family the most
5. Bunch of friends – parties are the best part of life, and wanna think of them again n again
6. Your Idol say filmstar, cricketer etc etc – dare not talk bad about them to me, else u will be walking back with a broken leg or bruised eye.
7. Boyfriend\Girlfriend – hopelessly in love
8. God – holy … no comments
9. Cartoons/soft toys – child at heart
10. Sayings, phrases, one-liners – smart!!!
11. Office team snap – I love my job and my team is my family
12. Cute kids snap – hmmmmm something is fishy ;)
13. nature snaps – traveler, adventurous, in love with mother nature

i guess the list can go on and on ....