One dear life and thousands of obligations on the poor soul. I don’t think it’s a fair game.
It would be so nice if the people around us could stop telling us how we should live OUR OWN life. Can something that works for one, be applied in general to all when we so nastily claim that we are separate individuals? I think NOT.
In today’s world, instead of opposing we have accepted these obligations as a part of our life even when they irk us the most:
Have got mail, must reply
Have friends, must call all the time
Have a festival, must get religious
Have relatives, must be nice
Have received a favour, must be returned
Have got invite, must accept
I will stop at this as the list is too long and I am sure the above captures the gist of the feeling. We carry these obligations around with us like our appendix – absolutely good for nothing. Someday the crap accumulation will increase to an unendurable level and the removal of the inflamed appendix will be mandatory. That will be a great day for sure.
Sometimes I think William Shakespeare should be re-quoted to say
“All the world's an intrusion, And all the men and women merely cribbers”