Sunday, March 25, 2007

love will find a way!

Listening to this beautiful song “mitwa” from KANK … just love the words .. so true .. so very true … a song with a beautiful feel to it … so easy to relate to things so simply put in front of u … love u Javed Akhtar for this one …

Just wondering ….
How many of us do listen to solely our hearts when it comes to love. I don’t know, guess love will always be an unsolved enigma for most of us. But is it so difficult to understand it.

Maybe in the urge to conquer it we fail to feel it, and hence the failure.

A few questions that I have heard from people during various conversations……

Do we all have the courage to love?
Do we all have the courage to love and make sure it works?
Will we always stand up to the person we love?
How do we know if its true love?
Is there something called true love in the first place?
What if I am not loved back?
What if the love ceases to exit after some time?
Etc etc etc
The list of doubts and questions just goes on and on and on …

Guess what folks, I guess for these webs to clear away, u will need to fall in love, experience it, feel it .. believe me nothing will be in doubt for u then …

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Life is all about choices!

Every chocolate packet has a small slip inside that could read;
- Another chocolate free
- Better luck next time
- 5rs off on the next buy
- A trip for 2 to Zurich

At a shop:
Seher: Give me a chocolate bar
Shopkeeper: I only have two left
He hands him a red one and a black one.

Seher picks the black one, walks a little further, opens the packet
Slip reads “Oops! Better luck next time :(”

At a same shop 5 mins later:
Smaysha: Give me a chocolate bar
Shopkeeper: I have only one left
He hands her the red one
Smaysha: no issues, red is my favorite, thanks for saving this one

Smaysha opens the red one, munches the chocolate, reads the slip
“Congratulations you win a trip for 2 to Zurich :)”

Life is all about choices, whether you know it or not!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Differently the 2nd time...

Tough day!
Absolutely no idea what went wrong. But how can that be, there needs to be a way to figure out the “instigator” or lets call it the first blow ….. hmmm …

Life is like a chain reaction, so definitely this characteristic would drill down to each day, considering our life is a collection of each day we manage to survive (wonder y I am stating the obvious in here, but what the heck, like it matters …)

Hot lemon tea (with xtraaaaa lemon as my love likes to call it), a sole seat with dim light above, 8 pm, life takes a different meaning this instant. More like the 2 min maggi noodles. Now you are hungry and the next instant (read 2 mins) u have food in front of you. (Readers with a weird expression on their face now, wondering what the hell is maggi doing in here, relax! I have no idea myself, I just let my mind wonder, so get the smile or the blank face back and ignore the above :) )

A flashback, replay the days events, see them unwind, and …………..

…. 10 mins later…

Freak! Now I know what went wrong. Wow!! This is a figure of speech, I forgot the name, but the one where we use a couple of words consecutively starting with the same letter … :) looks like the rewind button went a little too far (or is it a little too behind), to my school days.

Damn! I love this human psychological capability to see things differently the 2nd time, or maybe its different every next time!!

Works for me!